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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to AYSO Region 2

Frequently Asked Questions - Fall 2024

How much is registration?
$  50 Schoolyard
$195 6U - 8U
$195 10U - 14U
$195 Upper Division (16U/19U)

There is a $50 Sibling Discount when you register more than one player from your family.  A $25 AYSO National Fee and $2.75 processing fee are not included in the registration amounts above. Both fees are non-refundable.

What do I get for my registration fee?
A 10 to 12 game season, plus playoff games for some teams.
Full uniform including jersey, shorts and socks.
Fully trained coaches and referees.  All of our volunteers have passed background verification and training.
Guaranteed game time. Every player will play at least three quarters of every game.

What division will my child play in?
AYSO players are assigned to divisions based on their year of birth. See the below birth year / division chart:

 Born 2020
 Born 2019
 Born 2018
 Born 2017  8U
 Born 2016/2015
 Born 2014/2013
 Born 2012/2011
 Born 2010/2009
 Born 2008/2007/2006
 All Ages
 EPIC (Everyone Plays In our Community)

When and where will practices and games take place?
Fields and practice times are determined in early August when field permits are secured. Practices and games will take place at schools and parks in Arcadia and Monrovia, typically at Arcadia City Hall, Dana Middle School, Foothills Middle School, and Clifton Middle School.

There are normally one practice a week for 6U - 8U teams and two practices a week for 10U and older.  Practices are usually scheduled at 5 PM - 6 PM, 6 PM - 7:30 PM, or 7:30 PM - 9 PM (older players only).  Games take place on Saturdays and some Sundays.

What is the Fall 2024 season schedule?

Aug 12th weekKick-off Week!
Aug 19th weekPractices Begin
Sept 7thOpening Weekend!!
Nov 9thFinal Weekend of Games
Nov 16thFirst Weekend of Playoffs
Dec 7thFinal Weekend of Playoffs
Holiday BreakIndoor Tournament

The 2024 Fall season will consist of 10 consecutive weekends of games starting on Sept 7th and ending on Nov 9th. All games currently scheduled for Saturdays (subject to change). Playoffs to follow on Sat, Nov 16th & Sun, Nov 17th and conclude on Sat, Dec 7th & Sun, Dec 8th.

Picture Day will be scheduled on a Sunday in September (exact date TBD). There will be no games on that Sunday.

Sept 7th1st Weekend of Games
Sept 14th2nd Weekend of Games
Sept 21st3rd Weekend of Games
Sept 28th4th Weekend of Games
Oct 5th5th Weekend of Games
Oct 12th6th Weekend of Games
Oct 19th7th Weekend of Games
Oct 26th8th Weekend of Games
Nov 2nd9th Weekend of Games
Nov 9th10th Weekend of Games


What soccer gear do I need?
Region 2 provides all players a full soccer uniform (jersey, shorts and socks). Players must have their own soccer shoes and shin guards.  Teams are provided soccer balls but it is highly recommended that players also have their own ball.

 Soccer Ball
Schoolyard, 6U, 7U & 8USize 3
10U & 12USize 4
14U, 16U & 19USize 5

Can I register my child in Region 2 if I live outside of the area?
Yes!  Region 2 covers Arcadia, Bradbury, Duarte, Monrovia and Sierra Madre however you do not have to live in these cities in order to register or play in our region. Open Registration is one of AYSO's core philosophies.


What are new player assessments and when are they?
Creating Balanced Teams is a core AYSO Philosophy.  To achieve this objective, we assess every player on aspects such as ball skills, touch, size and soccer IQ. The more assessment data we have, the better we can balance the teams and have a better experience for everyone.

This year we are inviting all 10U - 14U players to attend assessments. Schoolyard, 6U – 8U players do not need to attend assessments. Players new to Region 2 or have not played recently are asked to attend an assessment.  Invitations are sent to registered players, however, if you do not receive an invitation, please attend one of the dates below.

Assessment Dates:
Sat, June 8th - Arcadia City Hall Field
Sat, June 22nd - Arcadia City Hall Field

Times for all dates are as follows:
8:00am - Girls 10U
9:00am - Boys 10U
10:00am - All 12U and 14U

Please wear soccer shoes, shin guards, and appropriate athletic attire.  Soccer balls are not necessary.

For questions about player assessments contact: [email protected]

When does the Fall Season start and end?

Practices begin in mid-August for 6U - 14U teams and games begin on Saturday, Sept 7th.  The season ends in mid-December for teams who make playoffs.

Schoolyard begins on Saturday, Sept 7th and ends before the Thanksgiving Holiday.

What is the EPIC program?
AYSO EPIC stands for Everyone Plays In our Community. The mission of the AYSO EPIC Program is to provide athletes with disabilities the additional support they need to fully participate in a quality soccer experience.  The ultimate goal of the AYSO EPIC Program is to provide a holistic AYSO experience for players, families, and volunteers, from team uniforms, to playing on a team, to cheering from the sidelines, for all participants. Registration for EPIC is open year-round.

Additional information regarding EPIC can be found on the AYSO National Epic website.  Please contact [email protected] with any other questions.

Who runs AYSO Region 2?

Region 2 is 100% volunteer run organization.  From our team parents, coaches, referees, board members all the way up to the Region Commissioner. The region survives through the generous donation of time and energy given by our volunteers.

PLEASE consider volunteering.

We always, always, always need more coaches, referees, and managers.  We provide all the training necessary (at no cost) and no prior experience is required. There are few things more rewarding then being a role model to today's youth in addition to the quality bond you will share with your own player.

You will have the opportunity to register your interest in volunteering for one of our many available roles during the online registration process.

What is the National Player Fee?
The $25 AYSO National Annual Player Membership Fee is a non-refundable / non-transferable fee paid once annually to AYSO National. Every player is required to pay this fee which covers the cost of running the nationwide program including insurance, development, and delivery of training programs.

The AYSO National Annual Player Membership Fee is automatically added to the first registration for a Membership Year (Aug 1st - July 31st). Payment of the Membership Fee entitles the player to a Player ID Card, all member benefits including being able to be placed on a team, insurance coverage and the ability to register for any available player program in any AYSO program.

What is the refund policy?

We understand that plans change from the time of registration until the practices and games start in the Fall. At the same time, when a player is registered for any of our programs, we begin a process of purchasing uniforms, allocating field space and training coaches & referees, as well as reserving a space for them in our program. Please keep in mind that by this time, countless hours have already been allocated to place your player on a team.  In most cases another player may have been turned away to make room for your child.

Before Team Formation (July 15th)100%
After Team Formation25%
After Sunday of first practice week0%

To request a refund e-mail [email protected] and submit a Cancellation Request form.

Please note the $25.00 AYSO National Player Fee and the $2.75 processing fee are non-refundable.

There are no refunds, for any reason, if registration is cancelled or created after the posted refund deadline. No exceptions.


My child is new to soccer. Can they play in a younger division?

The AYSO soccer program is designed to provide age-appropriate training to all kids in their division. Our coaches are trained to work with children of all skill levels and our soccer program is designed to help children develop and thrive. For these reasons, we do not grant play down requests.

My child is an experienced soccer player. Can they play in an older division?
For play up requests, the child needs to be a good fit to play in the older division and the impact to both divisions needs to be considered.  Final determinations are made after registration closes. Play-up requests should be e-mailed to [email protected]

Who do I contact if I am interested in playing in the Adult League?
AYSO 5043 was formed in 2008 for the Volunteers of AYSO Region 2 as a RECREATIONAL CO-ED Soccer League to promote friendly competition and build friendships within the Region. Players must be currently be at least 20 years old and registered as an active volunteer with Region 2 or Area 1C. They must be an active Coach, Referee or Board Member and demonstrate a minimum of 20 hours of volunteer service per AYSO 5043 season to be eligible to play. For more information, please visit the Adult League website.

Who do I contact for additional questions?
Registrar, Barbara Tom [email protected]
Coach Admin, Carter Kim [email protected]
Referee Admin, Chris Young [email protected]
Team Manager Admin, Laura Lim [email protected]
Parent concerns [email protected]

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Region 2

PO Box 1144 
Monrovia, California 91017

Email Us: [email protected]
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