Team Referee Assignments
6U/7U/8U Divisions - Spring Skills program. No team referees needed.
B10U/G10U/B12U/G12U/B14U - Region 2 spring program.
Referee requirements are the same as the Fall season. Games begin on Saturday, 3/22. Teams are expected to provide 2 referees for the following game when they play as the home team and 1 referee when they are the visiting team. Teams playing in the last game of the day provide referees for the first game of the day.
Referee sign-up:
Coaches are responsible for the game cards after the game. Please take a picture copy for your records and remember to return them to the coaches.
G14U - Area 1C Spring program.
Our G14U team will be playing in the Area 1C Spring Cup program. Teams are responsible for providing one AR for their own game. These games will not be posted on the TMS website and are the team's responsibility to coordinate and fulfill.
Upper Division (16U/19U)
Referee Sign-up: To sign-up for B19U games, please contact: [email protected]
Game Card Submission: TBD
Game Schedule & Standings
- One of referees responsibilities is inspecting the goals! Before the game starts, please remember to check that the goals are properly setup and anchored. This is especially important on fields where teams setup the goals like Dana Middle School.
- Home teams occupy the north or west side of the field.
- Home teams provide 2 games balls, visiting teams provide 1 game ball.
For referee uniforms/gear, please contact: [email protected]
New Referee Volunteers
All new referee volunteers will need to complete the following:
- B10U/G10U/B12U/G12U/B14U referees, please sign-up as a MY2024-2025 Spring Games referee.
- Submit a background check
- Complete the online Safe Haven training courses (Concussion, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, & Safe Haven)
- Complete the SafeSport training (Sign-up with the same first/last name and e-mail as your AYSO account)
- Attend an in-person Livescan background check (See list of AYSO Livescan events below)
- Attend a Regional Referee training course (List of upcoming Regional Referee courses)
Returning Referees
B10U/G10U/B12U/G12U/B14U referees, please sign-up as a MY2024-2025 Spring Games referee. Verify that your background check and SafeSport certification are up-to-date.
Background Check Renewal: Select "Risk Status" and click the "Renew" button. Follow the instructions in the e-mail sent from Sterling Volunteers to authorize a new background check.
SafeSport Refresher Course: Log into the SafeSport website with your existing account. Start and complete the "SafeSport Refresher One" course. The course takes 20-30 minutes to complete.
For questions please contact the Region 2's Referee Administrator, Chris Young: [email protected]